19+ Why Do Cats Like Feet
Loneliness and lack of attention also can affect your cats behavior. Dozens of migrants at. Mature Moggies Caring For Elderly Cats Help Advice These are the top ten reasons why your cat chooses to sleep at your feet. . One popular theory about why cats like our feet so much come down to instinct. Its the Pheromones that we release. Foot attacks can also. Cats sleep near our feet to protect us. The myth that cats have nine lives is closely tied to their ability to land on their feet and avoid certain doom when jumping from impressive heights. If your cat likes to attack feet some of the reasons above might be culprits. They might be looking for attention or trying to communicate with something. I will let that comfort me the next time. If urination is painful the cat might associate the litter box with that pain and may go to a place thats very different and try. A change in routines a new p...